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MiniTest 725 Coating Thickness Gauge

Article No. 11023

Minitest 725 Coating Thickness Gauge

The MiniTest 700 series enables the non-destructive measurement of coating thickness for non-magnetic coatings (paint, synthetic material, chrome and other electro-plated, non-magnetic coatings, etc.) on ferromagnetic substrates (steel/iron), and insulating coatings (lacquer, enamel, synthetic material, anodised aluminium, etc.) on conductive substrates (aluminium, copper, titanium, austenitic stainless steel).

$1,281.00 excl. taxes & shipping cost


  • A compact design and inexpensive
  • The MiniTest 725 has a built-in sensor and is especially suited for quick measurement on car bodies, hulls or steel constructions.
  • Thanks to its ergonomic design for one-handed operation all functions can be easily accessed with one hand only.
  • Contains internal probe
  • Saves up to 10,000 measurement values in 10 groups
  • Precision in coating thickness measurement of up to 15 mm / 0.59"
  • USB and Bluetooth interfaces for data transfer to PC, mobile devices or printer
  • Increased accuracy and reproducibility by sensor-integrated digital signal processing (SIDSP®)
  • Universal probes with automatic substrate detection for quick measurements on steel and nonferrous metals
  • Wear resistant probes with virtually unlimited life
  • Optimal temperature compensation
  • High precision characteristic curves with up to 50 data points in the factory calibration
  • Integrated user guidance in 20 languages
  • There are two different measurement methods:
    • Single mode: up to 70 readings per minute can be recorded and saved.
    • Continuous mode: up to 20 coating thickness values per second are recorded. This allows you, for example, to identify thinnest and thickest points and the saving of readings in a measurement series

Technical Attributes

  • Data
    Sensor Embodiment:Fixed internal, non-changeable
    Sensor Model:F 1.5
    Type:B / E
    Measuring Range:0-1.5 mm
    Uncertainty of Readings: ± (1.0 µm + 0.75 %) 
    Minimum Measuring Spot:ø 5 mm
    No. of Measurement Series:10
    Measurement Memory:10,000
    Statistical Functions:Number of readings, Minimum, Maximum, Mean value, Standard deviation, Coefficient of variation, Single value statistics, Block statistics (Standard or free configurable)
    Calibration:Factory calibration, 1-pont calibration (Zero), 2-point, 3-point calibration, Special calibration method for rough substrates, Adjustable offset
    Additional Calibration Procedures According to International Standards:ISO 19840:2004 (E)
    SS 184160
    AS 3894.3
    Limit Monitoring:Optical and acoustical signaling
    Measurement Units:metric: µm, mm, cm
    imperial: mils, inch, thou
    Data Interface:Bluetooth 4.0, Bluetooth Smart®, Mini-USB
    Printer:Standard ASCII-printer
    ElektroPhysik Bluetooth-printer
    International Standards:DIN EN ISO 1461, DIN EN ISO 2064, DIN EN ISO 2178, DIN EN ISO 2360, DIN EN ISO 2808, DIN EN ISO 3882, ISO 19840, ASTM B 244, ASTM B 499, ASTM D 7091, ASTM E 376, AS 3894.3, SS 184160, SSPC-PA 2
    Display:Graphics display, adjustable lighting
    Power Supply:2 batteries AA / LR-06 / Mignon or rechargeable NiMH cells AA / HR6
    Operating Temperature Range:14°F - 140°F (-10°C - 60°C)
    Storage Temperature Range:-4°F - 158°F (-20°C - 70°C)
    Dimensions:6.18" x 2.97" x 1.93" (157 mm x 75.5 mm x 49 mm)
    Weight:Approx. 6.2 oz (175 g)


DIN EN ISO 1461, 2064, 2178, 2360, 2808, 3882, 19840, ASTM B 244, B 499, D7091, E 376, AS 3894.3, SS 1841 60, SSPC-PA 2

Delivery Content

MiniTest, model 725 comes with F1.5 SIDSP®-sensor, Set with calibration foils and zero reference plate(s), Operating instructions in German, English, French and Spanish on a CD-ROM, Shoulder bag with belt clip, Batteries (2 pcs, type AA Mignon), Manufacturer's Certificate, MSoft 7 basic data transfer software

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